
What is Vivatap

What is Vivatap?

Vivatap is a teabag-shaped sachet that serves to enrich water. It is made from natural ingredients; Antioxidant preparation, Chitosan and Coral algae (not coral reefs!), collected from the seabed of the Nordic Ocean.

These Vivatap ingredients are a natural byproduct from the evergoing renewal of corral algae and shellfish. The process is 100% environment-friendly.

What does Vivatap do?

Vivatap could adjust the pH-level, can add important minerals to water and can remove chlorine, according to the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)

Vivatap greatly improves the taste of your tap water, making it easy to be your choice of beverage.

Why Vivatap?

By the year 2050, one of the prognosis is that there will be more plastic bottles in the oceans than fish in the sea (source link). Our goal is to help reduce plastic waste on a global level.

vivatap why

Drop VIVATAP® vertically into a container of up to 2 litres. Shake or stir well for 3-4 seconds. Leave the bag in the water for at least 5 minutes. Because of freshness and taste, we recommend to drink the water within 24 hrs. 

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